
Remissioning (or re-missioning) is an approach to revitalizing a local congregation that focuses on helping churches recapture a passion for God’s mission. The term was coined by Dr. Chris Backert to help differentiate between the revitalization that comes from reengineering (the fine-tuning of existing systems) and revival (a miraculous intervention of God.)

According to Dr. Michael Beck, “most revitalization strategies are focused on [reengineering]. Doing church bigger and better: better coffee, better music, better preaching, better hospitality, and so on. Re-missioning is not that kind of strategy. Approaches that try to solve the crises facing the church from within the church are missing the point. [Revival] is always a possibility, although we can’t predict or force it to happen. Here we pray and wait.”

He goes on to say that remissioning is an exploration of how “inherited churches can can be revitalized by adopting the fresh expressions approach in the mixed economy or blended ecology way. While revitalization is not the goal, it is an effect of joining God’s disruptive cause amid the fragmentation and isolation of human communities. Cultivating fresh expressions of church births a missional ecosystem in long-declining congregations.”

See Also

What is a Fresh Expression of Church?

What is the Blended Ecology?

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What is Re-Missioning and How Could it Help Your Church?

Fine Tuning Won’t Fix Your Church. “Remissioning” is Different

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