
The Basics For

Regional Church Leaders

You’re a denominational leader eager to inspire your churches to express their faith in new ways.

The churches and neighborhoods seen from the South Street Parking Garage in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Step 1

Sponsor a 1-day training.

Some churches in your denomination, network, or region want to do new things but don’t know where to start.

Fresh Expressions trainings, such as Vision Day or Dinner Church Encounter, are full of tangible models and theologically robust ideas that honor your unique heritage.

Step 2

Convene a strategic consultation

You are excited to see how a Fresh Expression strategy could ignite a movement in your denomination, network, or region. Now, you just have to get some key leaders on board.

A Strategic Consultation provides an extended time to prayerfully discuss and develop an intentional strategy to foster and resource a Fresh Expression movement in your region.

Step 3

Sponsor an ongoing training community

Implementing a new strategy will take time, training, and accountability.

Fresh Expressions training communities, such as the Pioneer Cohort and Dinner Church Launch Cohort, can be tailored for your group and allow you to resource those who can be the first wave of the movement in your region. These leaders and their initiatives will show your region what is possible and create energy for the movement to grow.

Step 4

Train regional coaches

Leverage your team to coach emerging Fresh Expression projects

The Fresh Expressions Coaching certification provides robust training and practice in engaging coaching skills to support the healthy development of new forms of church. Participants who complete the training and practicums will receive a formal certification from an accredited institution.