Online Training
Envisioning a New Kind of Local Church
Guidance and Tools for Inspiring Your Congregation
Begins September 16

The Church is God’s method for spreading the good news of Jesus, connecting people in relationship, and helping the hurting in our community.
Today’s congregations struggle to involve their members and engage their neighborhoods. How do you inspire your congregation to try new things and reach new people?
Normal churches, led by regular pastors, are experiencing a new vitality as they start Fresh Expressions of Church—and you can, too.
This Fall’s Resilient Church Academy will guide you through processes for inspiring, experimenting and managing new expressions of church that will bring fresh energy to your congregation.

Skills & Strategy Tracks
Practical equipping for reorganizing your church for the world on the other side of the pandemic
Ways to Participate
Register for an Individual Track, All Access Pass and or Congregational Team Ticket
App Subscription
10 days premium access to thousands of hours of content in the FX Connect app
FREE Master Classes
Visioncasting for Transformation
Exploring Real Stories of Congregational Renewal
September 16 | 1pm ET

Shannon Kiser

Tod Bolsinger
Do you struggle to help your church get excited about making changes?
Transforming a local congregation requires more than just a dream of the future, a hope that the congregation will get on board, and a desire to have an impact in the community.
This free Master Class is not just another presentation. You will hear three stories, case studies from real congregations who experienced renewal, when they began to start Fresh Expressions of Church. Not only will you hear their stories, but you’ll have the opportunity to hear from leadership coaches Shannon Kiser and Tod Bolsinger about why these changes took root.
Master Classes
Praying for Transformation:
How Liturgy and Intercession Fuel Change and Shape Mission
October 13 | 2pm ET

Jon Davis

Cheryl McCarthy

Verlon Fosner
Do you want a life, and a church, that is closely and actively following God’s voice? You will have to first, learn to listen to God and others, and then
In this free Master Class, you will explore how timeless traditions of Christian liturgy intersect with the personal work of intercession to create a movement for prayer. If you want to see your congregation develop an ear for listening to God and a habit of praying for their neighbors, this is the place to start.
“This was just what our church and leaders needed in this challenging season. I’m inspired, encouraged and excited to put what we’ve learned into practice!”
Bruce Case
Training Courses
Academy Tracks
Three 2-Hour Sessions Of Theory and Practice
Choose individual courses, All-Access Pass, or Congregational Team Ticket

Rural Revival
Making New Disciples in Small Town North America
Michael Beck and Tyler Kleeberger
Across North America, urban centers are growing, creating new challenges and opportunities for rural cities and towns. Rural churches, once a centerpiece of small town life, need new tools for loving their neighbors, sharing the gospel and connecting in community. In this Resilient Church Academy track, Michael Beck and Tyler Kleeberger will share their experience of helping established rural churches experience new life through starting Fresh Expressions of Church.

Families on Mission
Reaching New People and Connecting in Meaningful Community by Starting House Churches
Gannon Sims
In North America, the nuclear family is often isolated and focused on its own needs and pleasures. The result is not just loneliness and economic pressure, but a lost opportunity to witness to our neighbors how God can create a new kind of family, inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus. In this Resilient Church Academy track, you will learn local congregations can help start House Churches that both reach new people, and provide deep care and connection at the same time.

Church @ Play
How Your Passions, Curiosities and Hobbies Can Help Start Fresh Expressions of Church
Mitch Marcello
What does your neighborhood and your congregation have in common? Both are full of people who dedicate tremendous energy to passions and hobbies. In this Resilient Church Academy track, you will learn a process for helping people use reimagine the fun activities they do in their free time as a starting point for launching a Fresh Expression of Church.

Vision-Casting Essentials
How to Inspire Congregations to Try New Things
Jim Pace, Chris Morton, Kris Beckert
Most congregations have struggled to reengage their participants since the COVID-19 pandemic. While leading change is difficult, there are tried and true practices which will help any leader cast a new vision for what their church can be. In this Resilient Church Academy track, you will learn straightforward methods for using weekend gatherings, digital media and one-on-one conversations to inspire and shepherd a local congregation to do new things.

Your First Dinner Church
Step-by-Step Recipe for Starting a Table-Centric Gathering
J.D. Larson
Any congregation can start a Dinner Church, but it is easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged when trying something new. Congregations that successfully launch and maintain a Dinner Churches often face similar roadblocks. In this Resilient Church Academy Track, you’ll learn basic steps you need to help your congregation understand, launch and grow a new table-centric expression of Church.
“The training was enlightening. The balance between breakout conversation and lecture was excellent and flowed well. I left each session feeling uplifted.”
Bruce Case
More questions?
What is a “Master Class”
A Master Class provides both an important learning opportunity as well as a chance to interact with key thinkers on important subjects. Master Classes may vary in length, but are generally a two-hour online learning experience.
What is an Academy Track?
Academy Tracks are a Digital Classroom experience where you learn from both a practitioner guide and your fellow students. Academy Tracks consist of three weeks of two hour gatherings via Zoom.
What do I get with an All Access Pass?
All Access Passes allow one person to enroll in all Academy Tracks offered.
What is included in a Congregational Pass?
All Access Passes allow unlimited access to all Academy Tracks and Master Classes for each participant for a church or organization. Once you purchase a Congregational Pass, you will be contacted to help your participants enroll in their chosen tracks.
I can’t make a session. Can I watch a recording later?
Yes. When you enroll, you’ll receive limited time access to recordings for each session.