  • 1-Day
  • In-Person
  • For Church Leaders and Organizations
Request Event
Request Event

Churches do not have the draw they once did. What if you went to people instead?

Vision Days will introduce you to the Biblical framework, stories, and methodologies of the Fresh Expressions Movement, and cast vision for what it could look like for your church/region of churches to embrace this movement in your denomination and context.

Vision Days have been a crucial component in helping us inspire and guide our churches to reach people, in new places, in new ways.

Rev. Sam Hubbard
Cultivator of Fresh Expressions
Louisiana Annual Conference, The United Methodist Church

What You’ll Learn

In this interactive day of training you will:

“The Fresh Expressions Vision Day challenged me to be the Church among people I’m around regularly who wouldn’t come to church but who might be open to God.”

Indiana Vision Day Participant