Vision Day – Gainesville, GA
Vision Day – Gainesville, GA
Vision Day is a one-day training event that teaches churches how to reach all kinds of people in all kinds of places.
Vision Day is a one-day training event that teaches churches how to reach all kinds of people in all kinds of places.
Vision Day is a one-day training event that teaches churches how to reach all kinds of people in all kinds of places.
Dinner Church Encounters are a one-day training event that will introduce you to God’s passion for the table and God’s heart for the neighborhood.
Vision Day is a one-day training event that teaches churches how to reach all kinds of people in all kinds of places.
Vision Day is a one-day training event that teaches churches how to reach all kinds of people in all kinds of places.
Learning Communities dig into the theological foundations of Fresh Expressions, the practices that lead to contextually appropriate ministry, attentiveness to authentic discipleship, tools for developing teams and leaders, and the steps to forming meaningful expressions of church within a particular mission context.
Dinner Church Immersions are a three-day in-depth training and observation experience that combine meals, training sessions, fireside chats and observations of Dinner Churches in action.
Fresh Expressions Immersions are a three-day experience of in-depth training and observation to help local church leaders envision the potential of fresh expressions of church for their own congregation. In this intimate setting you will be receive a substantive look at multiple fresh expressions of church and the renewal and vitality that has been brought to...
Un Día de Visión es un evento que brinda la oportunidad de descubrir lo que significa ser la Iglesia de maneras nuevas y creativas, escuchar a los practicantes de Expresiones Divinas, aprender cómo renovar las congregaciones existentes a través de nuevas expresiones de la iglesia y discernir qué Esto podría significar para su región, comunidad...