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Articles by
Kris Beckert
Fresh Expressions in the Wesleyan Tradition
Kris Beckert | 1 May 2023
While Fresh Expressions of Church may seem new and different to some people, at their core they really lie at the foundation and heart of the original mission of Christ and the Wesleyan movement. Initially started by the Wesley brothers as a reforming discipling and evangelistic movement within the Church of England, Wesleyanism went on to sweep across North America.
Five Things You Already Do That Could Become a Fresh Expression of Church
Kris Beckert | 6 Feb 2023
Discover how to use common church activities as a starting point for fresh expressions of church. Learn about five possibilities, from church league softball to Christmas pageants, and how they can help you connect with non-believers and build relationships. Start reaching out to your community today!
Blinded By the Light? It’s a good thing.
Kris Beckert | 18 Dec 2022
Several years ago, the church I served held a summer outdoor movie series for the community. There were some nights we had to wait until almost 9pm to start the...
Advent: Sometimes it’s a both/and
Kris Beckert | 11 Dec 2022
One of my favorite trails in the park near my house growing up was a connector trail from the main parking area that crossed a dam and led to a...
Advent Bingo!
Kris Beckert | 9 Dec 2022
Below is an example of how you can encourage your congregation to use the unique opportunities of the season to build relationships outside of your church community. What do you...
What if the best is yet to come?
Kris Beckert | 4 Dec 2022
Perhaps as you’ve begun participating in church-sponsored Christmas events, lighting the Advent wreath, baking cookies, and setting up the manger scene, it hit you. You’re old. Or at least older...
My Method For Starting Fresh Expressions of Church
Kris Beckert | 27 Oct 2022
My friend bought a couch. Except it wasn’t one of the ones from a furniture-maker or showroom; she bought it online and it came in a box. With parts. Unassembled....
Start Strong in Your New Pastoral Role By Introducing Fresh Expressions
Kris Beckert | 14 Oct 2021
A new season of ministry-- whether starting as the pastor of a church, taking a position as a new staff member, accepting a new job, entering a new stage of life such as retirement, or just moving across town—is a place and time to reorient yourself and your team toward a posture of mission before you are pushed to settle in to a rut of expectations and needs. Like me, you may have come from a setting where you were doing cutting-edge stuff, starting dinner churches, pouring into leaders to begin fresh expressions of church, and getting people to think outside the box. But you will remember that did not happen overnight.
Four Changes to Embrace this Fall in Your Ministry
Kris Beckert | 6 Aug 2020
Fall means change—and 2020 will most certainly be no exception. Sure, the days will get shorter, the temps cooler, and deciduous leaves will turn hues of orange, yellow, and red,...
First, Second, and Third Places are Changing—and so will our Ministry in Them
Kris Beckert | 22 Jun 2020
Maybe you remember them too. I remember the days of sitting in the places where my sermon-juices most easily used to start flowing. I remember the plastic booths and tables,...
Does Your Church Have a Bucketlist?
Kris Beckert | 6 Mar 2020
There is a strange freedom that comes with creating the bucket list, as you become less focused on what’s in front of you and more aware of what’s around you. The question is no longer 'why?' but 'why not?
The Biggest Reason Why Some People Never Start a Fresh Expression
Kris Beckert | 22 Jan 2020
I remember my first few encounters with Fresh Expressions US, which seem so long ago—but not really… The first was a Vision Day I attended in Northern Virginia as a...
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