

What are the core competencies for a church on mission? What abilities must a leader develop to go from “pastor” to pioneering missionary? This episode will discuss the new muscles that churches and leaders need to develop to thrive in the future.

Sue Nilson Kibbey is the Director of the Bishop Bruce Ough Innovation Center at United Theological Seminary whose purpose is to resource leaders with creative, practical and effective tools for ministry in a new era. Sue’s Missional Church Initiative birthed a Breakthrough Prayer journey that has led churches and individuals to look up and out expecting and anticipating a move of God. https://www.innovateunited.com/ https://www.snkibbey.com/  https://www.amazon.com/OPEN-ROAD-Adventure-Breakthrough-Initiative/dp/1950899217 

Shannon Kiser serves the Fresh Expressions Team as Director of Training. She serves as a pastor at Riverside Presbyterian Church in Sterling, Virginia, a blended ecology congregation that worships in two languages.

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