What difference would it make for you as a leader and for your ministry if you KNEW you were being prayed for? If you knew that intercessors were in place to support the mission God has given you?
Can intercession offer you something that will help propel you forward in mission?
Does what you are doing as an intercessor matter to the mission of God?
In this webinar you will :
• Hear about the impact of intercession on the work of evangelists, missional Christians and global missionaries
•Discover the power of intercession to bring healing and breakthrough
• Learn the role of intercessors in supporting short- and long-term missionaries as well as church planters and ministry pioneers
Here’s a taste!
Check out the full resource here!
About Jenny Noyes:

Jenny Noyes is the Executive Director of New Wineskins Missionary Network.
Over the past 25 years, she has been involved in frontline evangelism and mission. From helping the Alpha Course ministry take root in the U.S. to church planting in a multi-cultural suburban setting to working on the national staffs of a denominational headquarters and an international mission agency, Jenny has story upon story of the important role that intercessors have played in her life and ministry. She also is an intercessor herself so she understands the charism of this spiritual gift from a personal perspective as well. She helped coordinate the Hope and A Future conference in 2005, then became the Coordinator for Communications and Evangelism for the Anglican Communion Network (ACN), forerunner of the ACNA. She created the ACN’s Good News Initiative, hosting 11 Sharing Our Faith conferences across the U.S. with a team led by renowned evangelist Dr. Michael Green. She served as director of evangelism, missions and outreach at an Anglican church plant in Northern Virginia for 9 years. She and Larry have been married for 30+ years and they have three grown children and two new daughters-in-love!