3-5 Dinner Churches in every county.

That’s the dream in North Carolina, inspired by the call of the Fresh Expression US movement to cultivate an environment where the fruit on the edge of the church can be brought to the center of the church. In time, the default operation of “church” in the US can move from maintenance and survival to mission and thriving.



A dinner church is simply the church gathered around the dinner table. Some dinner churches are large gatherings in fellowship halls; some are smaller gatherings meeting in restaurants or homes. Orders of worship differ from dinner church to dinner church. Some include short messages, some encourage table conversations, most have a time of community prayer, some have music, and some don’t.

With the Dinner Church model of mission gaining traction, it is no surprise that early signs of life among Dinner Churches are being found in North Carolina. The Holy Spirit is always at work in front of us, reaching beyond where the church is not reaching.


Have you attended a Dinner Church Encounter or even an FX Vision Day?

Are you ready to take next steps toward Dinner Church in your context?

Then check out the special North Carolina opportunity below!

Dinner Church Launch Cohort

Launch Cohorts are a 6-month training process designed for leaders and teams who understand Dinner Church in theology and practice. (preferably participants have attended a Dinner Church Encounter)

Cohorts specifically help your Dinner Church plant team answer the Who, What, Where, How, and Why questions that enables your team to open up a dinner church in your city.

Dinner Church coaches and trainers will be present to help guide and create a specific plan with you and your team to begin launching dinner churches soon after the training.

The Launch Cohort is book-ended by two intensive days (Pre-Launch and Post-Launch) and includes ongoing coaching circles that provide strategic support for the newly developing Dinner Church initiative.

Click here for more Information/Registration on the NC Dinner Church Launch Cohort!

(In another part of the country? No worries, we have dinner church events happening for you too!)

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