
It’s here and available for pre-order! And you can get it at a special price nowReframation by Alan Hirsch & Mark Nelson. Rooted in Scripture and drawing on poetry, literature, the arts, philosophy, and pop culture, Reframation refuses to settle for pious platitudes, and appeals to each and every one of us to experience and articulate the good news narrative in ways that resonate with the spiritual hunger and longings of those in our contemporary culture.

“The prophet Elisha had to pray for his servant, ‘O Lord, please open his eyes that he may see,’ before the young
man could see the full reality around him. In this strategic book Alan and Mark invite us to open our eyes to see
the full reality of God, the gospel, and the human condition in our shrunken times. Their book is a vital resource
for all those who long to engage contemporary cultures with the gospel, but struggle to know how to reach their
—Bishop Graham Cray, former leader of the UK Fresh Expressions Team; assistant bishop in the diocese of

You can get Reframation for $5 off its regular price (and and get free shipping) if you pre-order now!


And… If you want a taste of what Alan is talking about in this book, check out this FXUS Webinar with Cheryl McCarthy and Alan Hirsch!

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