
In 2012 Fresh Expressions UK Team Leader, Bishop Graham Cray spoke at our FX National Gathering.

Graham Cray gives us the vision for how fresh expressions of church begin, develop, and grow. Describing planters and fresh expressions leaders as “pioneers,” he concentrates on two seemingly simple concepts: follow the Holy Spirit and imitate the Son.  “The task of the Spirit in the Church is to create the Church.” The Spirit really isn’t our “mission control;” rather, it’s through listening to Him in the context of the Church and the community that we discern what God may be calling us to do. Bishop Cray shows us how the path from listening leads to loving and serving— that is, being the good news before sharing it. Then we are to build community and explore discipleship—not plan an event. The result of such a Spirit-led endeavor merges discipleship and evangelism while the church takes shape. That allows the Spirit-filled environment to innovate and release creative imagination that is present in a community of God’s people. Imitating the Son requires us, as leaders, to follow suit of the “Word [who] became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood” (John 1:14, The Message). Sometimes, this involves sacrifice of what we consider to be “churchy,” just as a seed must be willing to die to its own comfort in order to produce life where God intends (John 12:24).

Perhaps even abundant life.

You can watch the rest here.

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