Free Webinar
Why Trust and Trying Harder are Not Enough
Leading Your Congregation Through Deep and Disruptive Change
Tuesday | January 17th | 2:30-3:30pm ET

In a world where so many leaders seem to be either burning out or crashing in a moral crisis, it would seem that being a leader that others can rely on would be the gold standard. But what if it is necessary, but not enough? What then?
And what if I am already too tired to even think about adding something more to my “leadership level up list”, what do I do?
And even more, what if I have run out of inspiring sermons or motivational team talks? How do I lead then?
This webinar is about leadership that is beyond being perfectly trustworthy, trying harder, or being charismatically inspiring. It’s about real leadership for real challenges in real time. And it’s mostly about some small tweaks to what you are already doing and learning one new thing that you are probably interested in doing anyway.
Meet Your Guides

Shannon Kiser
Shannon has served as Director of Training and Coaching since 2016. She leads our team of mission strategists and trainers in the development and implementation of in person and online Learning Communities for pastors, pioneers and teams. She is a pastor on staff with Riverside Presbyterian Church in Sterling, VA, a Church that worships in two languages, engages in several fresh expressions of church, and extends community hospitality through Ridgetop Coffee. An ICF certified coach, Shannon coaches individual ministry leaders and pioneers, trains others to coach fresh expression initiatives, and coaches church teams in adaptive change.

Tod Bolsinger
Tod is the Executive Director of the De Pree Center Church Leadership Institute, a Senior Fellow of the De Pree Center for Leadership, and Associate Professor of Leadership Formation at Fuller Theological Seminary. He is also the Principal and Co-Founder of AE Sloan Leadership, Inc. a consulting and coaching company focused on leading change. Previously, Tod served as a Vice President of Fuller Seminary for six years. He is the author of five books and served as a pastor for 27 years. His articles and other resources can be found at and at