  • Oct 28, 4pm ET
  • Virtual
  • Pioneers
  • FREE

Embark on Your Fresh Expressions Adventure!

Are you passionate about reaching those outside the traditional church setting?

Fresh Expressions offers not just a vision for how to engage people in new and different ways, but also a set of markers that guide this adventure. We call these markers the Fresh Expression Journey and these guideposts have shown the way for thousands of leaders of new forms of church. They can guide you too!

Trail Marker Check-Ins are your monthly pit stops on this thrilling journey. Join Fresh Expressions trainers and fellow pioneers online as we dive into practical strategies and share inspiring stories to fuel your mission.

the six stages of the fresh expressions journey

Each Trail Marker Check In hones in on one of these markers:Your Fresh Expressions adventure is guided by six essential trail markers:

You will leave each session with fresh insights, clear direction for your next steps, and encouragement for the adventure ahead! Don’t miss out on this chance to elevate your Fresh Expressions journey.

Registration is FREE!

Register for the next Trail Marker Check-In and take your mission to new heights.