  • For Denominations & Organizations
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Imagine a team of capable coaches empowering your organization to expand its efforts to reach new people with new forms of church. Across North America, long-established denominations and organizations are being infused with new vitality through a strategic and supported Fresh Expressions Strategy. Central to any successful strategy is robust coaching.

Certified Fresh Expressions coaches provide your organization with:

To equip your organization with a team of certified coaches, we’ll partner with you to train your most capable leaders in both the skills and best practices in developing Fresh Expressions, as well as a proven approach to missional leadership coaching. Coaches will develop a deep understanding of the typical challenges that hold back the development of new forms of Church and apply proven coaching practices to navigate these realities.

Over six months of teaching, discussion, and coaching practice, facilitated by ICF* Certified Coaches, this course will prepare your coaches to cultivate all kinds of fresh expression initiatives throughout your region. Upon completion of the course, coaches will receive a Fresh Expressions Coaching Certification, as well as CEUs for the training hours.

Contact us to explore how this coaching certification program could serve your region.

(* International Coaching Federation)