
Verlon Fosner

Director of Dinner Church Collective

Verlon & Melodee Fosner have been in church leadership for 44 years, and for the last 24 years have served in a 100 year-old church in Seattle, Washington. After several years in their tenure as lead pastors the church went into decline and they faced a decision: move to the suburbs or become an urban church. After much prayer, the leadership felt called to not only stay, but to dive further into the urban neighborhoods of Seattle – especially the ones with a sparse church presence. After numerous failures, they decided to try the Agape’ Feast church model talked about in the New Testament and to their great surprise they found an immediate intrigue among the unchurched living in Seattle neighborhoods. Within a year, they counted hundreds of their neighbors as friends, gathering around their tables, and talking about Jesus. What began as a single urban church plant quickly grew into a multi-site Dinner Church, and then expanded into a national Dinner Church Network. Then in 2016, Verlon and Melodee joined the Fresh Expressions team to lead the Dinner Church Collective.