
Master Class + FREE BOOK

Simple and Adaptive

Rethinking Preaching and Disciplemaking for Today

October 3 & 10
1-2:30 pm ET

Are the reports of the Church’s demise exaggerated?

With attendance and religious participation dropping across North America, Christian Leaders are being forced to rethink how they “do church.”

Discover practical methods that will help your congregation deepen its love for Jesus and expand its reach in new places.

Join us for two Master Class events that not only will you leave with new ideas, but you’ll also receive new books to help you explore and implement what you’ve learned.

Your Guides

The Adaptive Church

Transforming Crowds Into People who follow Jesus

October 3, 1-3:30pm ET

The rapid changes in North American culture mean churches can no longer rely on tried-and-true programs to develop disciples. And more changes are coming every day!

In this session, you’ll explore what it means to be a dynamic, adaptive Church. We’ll examine how disciples are made and consider flexible approaches that work, no matter the circumstances.

In this Master Class, you will learn:

  • How to embrace an adaptive posture that is ready for real-world challenges.
  • A robust framework for aligning all levels of your church around a unified discipleship vision.
  • How faithful discipleship formation can spark new life and create connections within your local community.

Join Matt Lake, a lead pastor and consultant who is passionate about diving deeper into discipleship in order to see God’s Kingdom impacted through transformed lives in his own congregation and in churches everywhere.

Register today, and you’ll also receive a copy of Crossing the Discipleship Chasm: How to Turn Crowds Into People Who Follow Jesus.

Recovering the Kerygma

Early Church Preaching for a Post-Church World

October 10, 1-3:30pm ET
Verlon Fosner

When the early church gathered in the first few centuries, it was often around a shared meal to listen to the “kerygma” or the stories of Jesus. Today’s churches are often so invested in teaching Scriptural principles and denominational dogma that this simple act of storytelling has been forgotten.

What if re-centering the Jesus stories could spur on today’s struggling churches?

In this Master Class, you will explore:

  • How “kerygmatic preaching” differs from Bible teaching, and why it uniquely resonates today
  • Why the American Church struggles with evangelism
  • How Jesus himself prioritized Gospel stories

Register today, and you’ll also receive a copy of Story Priority: How to Change Lives Using the 468 Jesus Narratives.

What to Expect

Practical Training + In-Depth Reading

Actionable Ideas

More than interesting ideas, you’ll learn techniques & strategies you can apply in your context.

Author Q & A

Want to dig deeper? Got questions? Come ready to listen and ask questions.

Free Books

More than just a presentation, you’ll get a free copy of the book. (Shipping not included).

About the Books

Crossing the Discipleship Chasm
How to Turn Crowds Into People Who Follow Jesus

Matt Lake

Overcome today’s cultural challenges by bridging the discipleship gap with an adaptive approach to ministry. Discover a higher path to discipleship that rises above challenges, adapts to your unique context, and leads others on a transformative journey toward life.

Story Priority
How to Change Lives Using the 468 Jesus Narratives

Verlon Fosner

The first apostles relied on different spiritual content than we practice. They were laser focused on the life and stories of Jesus.


Which Option is Best for You?

One Master Class and Book

Pick the Master Class you want to attend and get a free coupon for the related book.

Both Master Classes and Books

Get both classes and both books.

Master Class Book Bundle

Both Classes, and a seven book bundle including five additional books.

Bulk Order & Consult

Order 5+ of either book and get both Master Classes, the other book, and a free 30-minute consult with the author.

Businesswoman smiling during a meeting in office. Cheerful female professional looking at male colleague and smiling.

Fresh Expressions provides access to outstanding resources, training and tools to our 900+ local churches in their quest to make disciples.

James Swanson
Retired Bishop, Mississippi Conference of the United Methodist Church