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Articles by
Ann Marie Carley
Finding Hope While Feeling Lost
Ann Marie Carley | 21 Oct 2020
The year 2020 has proved to be one of the most challenging years for the Body of Christ, the Church, all over the world. I’m not going to lie, at...
Making Sense of the Chaos
Ann Marie Carley | 16 Oct 2020
As churches re-enter their buildings, things seem less safe and it is much harder to ignore reality. There is no way to not see the roped off pews or the empty seats. Those coming to worship onsite can look around and see “everyone” is not there. There is no way to safely engage in all of the activities from the good old days, making it painfully obvious that if new ways of connecting with people are not determined, the current generation occupying the space within the church may be the last.
How Fresh Expressions Helped Us Pivot
Ann Marie Carley | 9 Oct 2020
As I was setting up the space within our building for the first onsite worship experience in over six months, I found myself chuckling. This space isn’t our traditional sanctuary....
How an Old Friend Helped Us Find Our Way. Thank You, Mr. Rogers!
Ann Marie Carley | 12 May 2020
Although doing church differently is something that always excites me, I have to be honest with you. Trying to land and feel settled about our new normal within the established...
Standing the Tables Back Up
Ann Marie Carley | 18 Mar 2020
Hey, you! Yes, you, Pastor and ministry leader who is trying to figure out this new normal. I see you! What you need to know is that these words have...
The Deep Waters of Pioneering
Ann Marie Carley | 12 Feb 2020
When you’re pioneering a Fresh Expression of church, people can’t necessarily see what is happening just below the surface.
The Force is With You! Fresh Expressions and a New Hope
Ann Marie Carley | 8 Jan 2020
Don’t hate me, but I’ve never been a huge Star Wars fan. However, I recently saw The Rise of Skywalker and as I have been trying to wrap my head...
Vision Day: It’s NOT Just Another Church Workshop!
Ann Marie Carley | 2 Oct 2019
If you’re like me, the thought of sitting in training to hear about the latest fad makes your soul die a little.
Navigating the Both/And World through Fresh Expressions
Ann Marie Carley | 16 Sep 2019
This gift of discomfort was the catalyst needed to birth a movement of fresh expressions of church.
How to Help Your Church Return from Exile
Ann Marie Carley | 26 Aug 2019
Today the people of God, the church, must be more Christ-like in action and we must not be afraid in doing so. The only way to do that is to return from the exile of our walls and re-enter the community in which we have been planted and called to be Christ!
Fresh Expressions: For Such a Time as This!
Ann Marie Carley | 28 Jun 2019
It became clear that without altering our expectations of what church had to look like, our church as we knew and loved it would be in danger of no longer existing.
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